Every morning I used to wake when the chirp notes of house sparrow wake me up once I made the cardboard box for the sparrows. The chirp notes mainly given by males, who repeat it incessantly during much of the year to announce that they possess a nest and to attract females. females typically attract by the chirp notes of new mates after losing one.
Male and female house sparrows make single chirp notes to indicate submissiveness in flocks, or between pairs as part of courting or copulation. females make a chattering sound when chasing off other females, or when her mate approaches.
when I put out the food for sparrow, they will readily accept the invitation after a long hour. Grain, I put out for the birds is a useful supplement to a sparrow diet and many is the time that I have sat outside the balcony and the sparrows popping down to pinch a bit of cake.
T.he house sparrow can in places become quite numerous and very tame but its ability to be cheeky rather than rude and mischievous rather than wicked a strategy which has brought the house sparrow closer to our hearts.
once the couple of birds choose my nest which I built with cardboard box with dry grass spread inside and tiny cup of water and grains inside. The box has a hole with diameter of about two and a half inches but remember the hole should not quite bigger as the predators can attack them. This I made ten years ago but as a result the pairs began to live in the cardboard nest which I made.
After 15 days I attract with excitement of small baby sparrows inside the house of sparrow. but I don't know exactly how many eggs has hatched. I don't bother at all. But I have noted that during the delivery period female sparrow doesn't come outside for the more than ten days. Male sparrow used to fly outside not in search of food because I used to spread plenty to cereals, millets etc., but male was in search of dry grass for the sake of their babies which I noticed. A few weeks gone babies were grown up.
I don't think much that the sparrow will do this next day. Yes, I was shocked next day morning the sparrows house was empty when I saw this make me heart break. what had happened? Unfortunately, they vacated the house with their family. I feel sad for those days and more. but not tired. I called next couple of sparrows with the same old box with same old used grass inside. This I made a big mistake. I learned from them that they don't live in used house. Many sparrows came and visited the used box and fly off. They need a fresh one or they own or built a nest with fresh dry grasses.
I observed from the people's, society everywhere, pecking at one another, attacking each other, trying to control one another. Then I witnessed the sparrow, going about its day not bothered by the chaos of the other birds. The sparrow is not affected by this repeated game the bird plays, the game that we, human play